iTest: Comparing Apples With Androids
Multi-Market Products
Samsung New Zealand
Tribal/DDB Group Aotearoa NZ
Spark Foundry New Zealand
Case Summary
Re:Re:Re:Samsung iTest
I’m writing because I’ve heard many of you are increasingly frustrated with what’s happening in New Zealand, where a service was launched that’s now seen millions of our loyal Apple customers test-drive Samsung.
Please know I share your frustrations and assure you we are doing everything in our power to shut this “iTest” down. My legs are getting sore from all the stand-ups we’ve had.
Thank you for all you continue to do to get Apple products into our customers’ hands.
-Sent from my Galaxy S23

Changing Education To Keep Girls In School
Beauty & Wellness
Procter & Gamble
Leo Burnett Mumbai
Case Summary
Every year 23 million girls drop out of school. One chapter that could save them, was never printed in schoolbooks due to a taboo against menstruation. We created history and wrote the Missing Chapter explaining the biology behind periods. It was read out in our film, through news readers on TV, by citizens on social media. Local artists from 25 states painted the chapter on school walls creating hand-painted native wall-art, for girls living in media-dark areas. Petition to include it in schoolbooks was committed to by key state governments.

iTest: Comparing Apples With Androids
Consumer Electronics and Durables
Samsung New Zealand
Tribal/DDB Group Aotearoa NZ
Spark Foundry New Zealand
Case Summary
Re:Re:Re:Samsung iTest
I’m writing because I’ve heard many of you are increasingly frustrated with what’s happening in New Zealand, where a service was launched that’s now seen millions of our loyal Apple customers test-drive Samsung.
Please know I share your frustrations and assure you we are doing everything in our power to shut this “iTest” down. My legs are getting sore from all the stand-ups we’ve had.
Thank you for all you continue to do to get Apple products into our customers’ hands.
-Sent from my Galaxy S23

Resilience Road
Suncorp Insurance
Leo Burnett Sydney
Case Summary
Each year, hundreds of thousands of Australian homes are destroyed or damaged by extreme weather. And 97% of disaster funding is spent on rebuild/recovery and only 3% spent on prevention. To break the cycle, Suncorp Insurance shifted its long-term strategy from one of supporting ‘recovery’ to one of enabling ‘resilience’. Over the last three years, this has led to multiple brand acts and industry-leading products that are shaping the insurance landscape and resulting in long term success that proves resilience is the most valuable thing an insurer can now offer.

Love Your Gut
Asia Pacific Brands
Dutch Mill
Ogilvy Bangkok
Case Summary
‘Love Your Gut’ by Dutchie Yoghurt proved to drive a bigger purpose on the most overlooked health, the Gut Health, admist the rising trend of functional food. The campaign strategically makes the matter easy to digest by ‘metaphor-ing’ how we take care of Gut to the familiar behavior of e-commerce… a delivery that never arrives. In the end, a new health agenda of ‘loving your gut before anything’ was formed, with outstanding results of surpassing KPI by 56% and closing the gap by turning from an irrelevant flavorful snack to functional food.

ToMEATo Sauce
Branded Utility
Hell Pizza
Special Auckland
Case Summary
The Steak and Cheese Pie is a NZ culinary classic — a celebration of the nation’s meat-farming roots. Hell Pizza are progressive — notorious for breaking tradition, and leading in plant-based meats. So, it was no surprise when they made a Steak & Cheese Pie pizza without meat, but with a vegetable-based substitute. Meat-eaters were going to hate it. Our creative solution: ToMEATo Sauce–a tomato sauce, made with blood, served in a blood bag. The launch challenged meat-lovers to try meat-substitutes, and was one of Hell’s most successful ever.

Can A Cookie Help India Win A World Cup?
Carpe Diem – Products
Mondelēz India
Leo Burnett Mumbai
Case Summary
This is a campaign that made Oreo the most loved FMCG brand in India. To grow household penetration amid dipping sales growth, Oreo dived into the mass hysteria surrounding the Cricket World Cup in 2022 and made a cricket crazy nation, believe that relaunching an Oreo cookie could help them win the World Cup.
Household penetration grew by 12%. Influencers joined in, memes were created, our cookies were even laminated for life. Needless to say, everyone who’s not living under a rock was talking about it.

Can A Cookie Help India Win A World Cup?
Mondelēz India
Leo Burnett Mumbai
Case Summary
This is a campaign that made Oreo the most loved FMCG brand in India. To grow household penetration amid dipping sales growth, Oreo dived into the mass hysteria surrounding the Cricket World Cup in 2022 and made a cricket crazy nation, believe that relaunching an Oreo cookie could help them win the World Cup.
Household penetration grew by 12%. Influencers joined in, memes were created, our cookies were even laminated for life. Needless to say, everyone who’s not living under a rock was talking about it.
Changing Education To Keep Girls In School
Experiential Marketing - Products
Procter & Gamble
Leo Burnett Mumbai
Case Summary
Every year 23 million girls drop out of school. One chapter that could save them, was never printed in schoolbooks due to a taboo against menstruation. We created history and wrote the Missing Chapter explaining the biology behind periods. It was read out in our film, through news readers on TV, by citizens on social media. Local artists from 25 states painted the chapter on school walls creating hand-painted native wall-art, for girls living in media-dark areas. Petition to include it in schoolbooks was committed to by key state governments.

The Silent Night
Experiential Marketing - Services
Wellington City Mission
Special Auckland
OMD Wellington
Case Summary
As New Zealanders grapple with the cost-of-living crisis, The Wellington City Mission have experienced a fourfold increase in demand for services — spiking with the pressure of Christmas.
To generate emergency fundraising we staged ‘The Silent Night’, a crowd-less event that channelled Wellingtonians’ goodwill into tangible contributions to their community.
The event was a sell-out, selling more tickets than the stadium’s seating capacity, raising over $350k in ticket sales, and bringing in first time donors. And because no one attended, 100% of the sales were donated to those in need.

Recharged Hair Recharged Me
Procter & Gamble
Dentsu Creative Indonesia
Case Summary
Over the decade, Pantene conditioner’s sales kept decreasing. Where shampoo product category reached 98% market penetration, conditioner category stayed low at 16% market penetration. All the effort of using various top beautiful mega celebrity in the communication didn’t seem to move up the sales.
So, for the first time ever, we disrupted the market by using a brand ambassador that no other beauty brand ever thinks of—someone who is very “un-Pantene”.

The Last Performance
Media Idea
Partners Life
Special Auckland
Case Summary
New Zealand is one of the most under-insured countries in the world for life insurance.
To tackle this, we partnered up with NZ’s most popular ‘murder mystery’ TV show – The Brokenwood Mysteries.
In an partnership that pushed the boundaries of what was possible with a media integration, we brought the murdered characters back from the dead for one last performance that challenged Kiwis to rethink preconceptions around life insurance.
This inventive use of television, captured the attention of NZ and got the nation more interested in life insurance.
The Loudest Call For Help
Media Innovation
Whitelion Youth
Ogilvy Sydney
Case Summary
New Zealand is one of the most under-insured countries in the world for life insurance.
To tackle this, we partnered up with NZ’s most popular ‘murder mystery’ TV show – The Brokenwood Mysteries.
In an partnership that pushed the boundaries of what was possible with a media integration, we brought the murdered characters back from the dead for one last performance that challenged Kiwis to rethink preconceptions around life insurance.
This inventive use of television, captured the attention of NZ and got the nation more interested in life insurance.
Changing Education To Keep Girls In School
Positive Change Social Good: Brands - Products
Procter & Gamble
Leo Burnett Mumbai
Case Summary
Every year 23 million girls drop out of school. One chapter that could save them, was never printed in schoolbooks due to a taboo against menstruation. We created history and wrote the Missing Chapter explaining the biology behind periods. It was read out in our film, through news readers on TV, by citizens on social media. Local artists from 25 states painted the chapter on school walls creating hand-painted native wall-art, for girls living in media-dark areas. Petition to include it in schoolbooks was committed to by key state governments.
The Loudest Call For Help
Small Budget - Services
Whitelion Youth
Ogilvy Sydney
Case Summary
At-risk youth was one of the most problematic plights in the not-for-profit category. They were seen as delinquents underserving of support. And so, it was a plight the community had completely disengaged with. In reality, at-risk youth were survivors and the ultimate personification of an ‘underdog fighter’, a trope all Aussies inherently rally behind. Using an equally invisible aspect of our streets, public payphones, Whitelion staged the loudest CALL for help. Literally. The result? Direct engagement at scale, increased donations, and a change in the national conversation around at-risk youth.
Deals So Distracting They Were Unskippable
Social Media Marketing
McDonald's Australia
DDB Group Sydney
Case Summary
For Macca’s biggest deals campaign of the year, we knew we could out-shout the competition around “Great Value”. But how do you get people who actively skip and block ads to care about basic retail offers? Aussies love getting a great deal, but if it looks or smells like an ad, they tune it out. To sneak through their defences, we hid 30 of our best deals in the most distracting videos online. The result: a retail campaign Aussies couldn’t help but watch, driving 23.6% growth in YoY app sales.
Not Just A Box Of Chocolates
Sustained Success - Products
Mondelēz India
Ogilvy Mumbai
Wavemaker Mumbai
Case Summary
How might Cadbury motivate its seasonal demand for Diwali gifting when people were unsure of celebrating amidst the pandemic?
For Cadbury Celebrations, the breakthrough was to turn its campaigns and marketing budgets into the most unlikely Diwali gift. It moved its marketing investments to promote struggling small retailers and hawkers—the lifeline of festive bazaars—with hyper-personalized MarTech, creating a world’s first in shared-value marketing. These enabled thousands of small businesses get discovered through personalized promotions and virtual shops, thereby uplifting Cadbury Celebration’s consideration and Diwali sales.
Curing Homesickness
Sustained Success - Services
SCHF Curing Homesickness
CHEP Network Melbourne
Case Summary
When the charity economy shrank and other philanthropic causes dominated headlines, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation (SCHF) needed a new source of revenue.
They found it with a new energising cause: to cure the homesickness suffered by all kids in hospital. With a campaign that got brands to join us, the response was huge, including an entirely new brand: Coles Mum’s Sause.
Four years since launch, and with no additional investment the campaign is still generating revenue to help children’s hospital charities around Australia get kids back where they belong: home.